Wednesday, February 10, 2010

American government help.True or False questions?

1.)The debt incurred by the French and Indian War made the British government feel that the colonists should help Britain pay off the debt. True or False?

2.)Many of the framers of the Constitution wanted to discourage political parties,fearing that they would divide rather than unite the nation.True or false?

3.)Thomas Jefferson based his ideals of ';unalienable rights'; on the writing of philosopher John Locke,when he drafted the Declaration of Independence.True or False?American government help.True or False questions?
1. True 2. True 3. *True. *Thomas Jefferson was a hypocritical racist who could pro-create with his slaves and still consider them less than human. Based on his words and actions, he might as well pro-created with animals.American government help.True or False questions?
True on all.
All three are true.
all are true.

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