Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If you answer this question you will be blessed with good karma. True or false?

I changed my socks today.If you answer this question you will be blessed with good karma. True or false?
trueIf you answer this question you will be blessed with good karma. True or false?
True, I hope
Fale. THanks for the 2 points.

But have a good day anyway LoL XXX
Yes by Boy George
Who knows? If there was an actual question we could answer it but thanks for the points anyway.

Oh, probably false I would think.


love ya

vote for me for best answer

False. This question has no purpose.

Uh oh! I just answered it!
If you believe answering this question or any other on Yahoo brings good karma, then its true. If you just answer questions because you enjoy spending a bit of your time doing that, then some people will believe that's good karma.

But if you don't have a belief system that considers karma, either good or bad, then it doesn't matter at all.

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