like PASTAFARIANISM!!!!!How come people are allowed to post questions about false religions like Islam in here?
A truely open forum invites ideas and thoughts on a subject. Your definition of false may be different than mine, so what. Who is really correct? I can't anwser for all, only myself, but I welcome the chance to hear other views and to express mine, respectfully. Who are you to say that I am wrong? Who am I to say you are wrong? To differ is to be human.
like u have the right to ask about your religion we - muslims r allowed like u to ask about our religion!
They think it is a true religion as much as Catholics think theirs is true or protestants think they are right. I talked to two Baptists and they have different beliefs and they both think the other Church is going to hell. Christianity has hundreds who believe they are the true religion. Mormons told me that Advantists and everyone else was going to hell., or die or something you wouldn't want. There is a bunch of different Islamic beliefs, they think the others are going to hell but the way they believe.
The only difference is Christians aren't killing each other yet.
Same reason people post q's about other things, cause they can.
What a **** Islam is the second largest religion in the world and the fastest growing. LOL false religion....i wonder what you call a true religion...scratch that i couldn't care less what you think. I'll tell you what this section should be restricted, to people with half a brain at the very least, that's you kicked of the site for a start.
all religion is fake
How you dared to say Islam false, this the most truthful and real religion, We muslims are proud to be a muslim.
Astagfirullah ............... ur soul is black, or at least what's left of it
This one of the most ignorant questions I have come upon on Yahoo answers. Thanks for giving me a laugh, you're dumb.
Religion is the opiate of the masses.
Two points: firstly, people are permitted to post any question they please about religion (within community standards, of course). Secondly, all religions are false (sorry, ainy, that includes Islam), so if questions about such were prohibited, there would be no point in having the category.
Coz the religion is true to them. How do u know which religion is true or false?
My guess is that you're a Christian.
Aren't you supposed to be an athiest?
Islam is a monothiestic religion, why is it false? it's the most logical of all religions. Unlike the Trinity of christianity and Racism of Jews
Yeah you must be a ';Christian';
to entertain moronic trash like u
If the followers of the false gods (greed, lust, power, allah, etc) created by the deceiver are welcomed here, then shouldn't this be one more opportunity to shine the light of the one true God for them?
I agree with you 110%
thi is a man of the day
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