Monday, February 8, 2010

Question for those with experience with ';false'; labor?

i am so frustrated. i have gone to the hospital three times due to having frequent contractions (3-5 minutes apart) for several hours. however, they keep sending me home, as it appears to be irritability or braxton hicks. i am 34 weeks and dilated to 3 cm and 50% effaced. last night i again woke with contractions 3 minutes apart but i knew it wasn't ';real'; labor. this is making me crazy. i know what real labor is, since this is my 2nd baby...but how long do i have? any ideas or advice? thanks!Question for those with experience with ';false'; labor?
lol bless u. All i can say is I know how u feel and its BLOODY annoying. Im 39 weeks and everyday im conviced shes coming due to one pain or another. Hang in there, they will be here soon (although when people say that to me i want to slap them!!)Question for those with experience with ';false'; labor?
I'm 39 weeks ( due Monday) 3cm and 85% effaced and no one can tell me anything! At least your having noticeable contractions. That means the system is working! I know how you feel! Good Luck!
Oh I remember them pains all you can do is wait it out. You will know when its time. Congrats
I cannot give you a time when the real deal will finally happen but here is a cool website that tells you the differences between true and false labor and how to relieve the pains from false labor.鈥?/a>

Take Care!!

Have sex if your doctor says it is ok. It might help. Go for a walk. RELAX. Labor is coming soon enough. Once it comes you'll be kicking yourself wondering why you were so anxious for it to start, because it isn't exactly fun! ;)

You'll know when it's real because you will be in pain, there is no other way to say it. You won't be asking the question ';am I in labor?'; - you'll know!!!
i was sure i was in labour with my first but was false alarm,,,, or not,, until you are 4cm dialated labour can start and stop at any time..... i soon learnt when labour was established and as this isnt your first im sure you will also know 100percent when the time has really come!!

You could go into labour tomorow you could be 2 weeks over due,,,,,, whichever way try to enjoy the last little bit of peace you have!!!
I would take a bath and read a good book. Something to take your mind off the belly (yeah, right. Like that's possible). Sometimes that chills the kid out. My first born was 9 weeks early and I was in the hospital every couple of weeks, after 25 weeks they started giving me anti-labor shots and steroid shots to help the baby's lungs develop. I still remember the pain of those and it was over 8 years ago. They come in sets of 2, 1 when I got to the hospital and they kept me overnight, 1 twelve hours later with another antilabor shot and sent me home.
Since you've had a baby before, you know that braxton hicks is just your body's way of preparing for labor. Call it practice if you will. a baby's head can't come out till you are at least 9-10 cm dilated so your not ready yet. When my daughter was pregnant. We went through 3 days of this. We went for long walks all hours of the night. You just have to tuff it out. After your water breaks. Get a shower then go to the hospital. Good luck
I went through this for a week with my third. It was awful. Same thing. Every night I would start having contractions. I would call the midwife, she would come over, set up and wait a couple hours and then they would stop. She finally just left her stuff set up at my house. Then one night, I just decided to ignore the contractions and go to bed. They kept coming, so I took a warm bath. They kept coming. I tried to go back to sleep. They kept coming. I was so mad! I had deliberately decided that I wasn't going to go into labor that night, and what do you think happened? It was actually labor. I spent the first 2 hours after I realized it wasn't going to stop yelling at my husband that I didn't want to have tha baby that night. The funniest part of the whole thing was that of all nights, my midwife was stuck assisting in a breech birth and couldn't get away until it was done. She sent out her backup, who stayed with me. After all those nights of coming over and setting up, she got to my house right after my daughter was delivered.

You are still early so really you don't want to go into labor for another couple weeks. Just hang in there. It will happen before you know it. But when the contractions start, try a warm bath or something relaxing. The more you focus on them, the longer they seem to last. Just ignore them as much as possible.
if they start while you are up and moving around, lay down and drink some water. if you wake up having them get up and move around. mine have always been that the opposite of what you are doing and they should slow down! good luck!!
Dont loose patience. For a second timer it sure must be exasperating by now..but obviously as the doctors have probably told you by now that your labor is in process and dont take any could take a couple of days getting into the action but then boom the last part happens in 2 hours. Esp since the timing is so close by.So be careful, watch yourself and let nature take its course.

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