Monday, February 8, 2010

A question to Christians: ';You cannot be moral without being religious.'; True or false?

False, a person can indeed be moral without God. However because Christians know that because Jesus lives we have a few extra bonuses! We have hope, we have peace that comes from communication with our Lord!A question to Christians: ';You cannot be moral without being religious.'; True or false?
You cannot be religious and please God ... see for yourself:

';';';';Assuredly, I say to you, all rituals, given by and from pagans, are abomination. Indeed, all religions, religious rituals and celebrations, not in My name, which glorify not My Father, are abomination.

To worship God the Father, through the Son, is pure worship. Any worship not to the Son, up to the Father, you are in error. And any worship of the Son is to worship the Father. ';';';';';A question to Christians: ';You cannot be moral without being religious.'; True or false?
Very much false.

I have morals. I admit that they're probably not always in the best taste, but I do have morals -- as well as what I perceive to be decent meaning and reasoning behind each value.

Actually, it's impossible NOT to have some type of moral value: To walk down the street and not kill someone is a moral value -- quite a subconscious value, but it's there. Moral values, aside society's values, define both how we exist, and how we function in regards to others and to ourselves.

Moral values are not defined by religion. Religion may influence moral values in such a way that it suggests new or important values that one would not often consider, and it often makes moral values a matter of religious law -- therefore less a moral, more a rule under a god or gods.

Most atheists I know are quite morally sound -- and as I'm sure you're aware, atheists have no religious belief.
This question shows up frequently.

It sometimes is asked by some Fundamentalisrt Christian who wish to attack the ';morality'; of the ';non-religious.';

We seem to frequently get irrational answers like this one: ';You cannot be moral ie righteous without walking in Christ or in the Spirit.';

I would then ask this person the following question: Do you then contend that anyone who is NOT a Christian can not be moral? What a strange definition of morality you have. I think there are a lot of Buddhast and others out there who would not agree.

Of course it is patently false.

A person's moral code is largely independent of that person's religion. And most ';religious'; Christians actually FIRST decide their moral code and THEN use their scrioture or ';religion'; to validate and confirm it.

How else can we go 1800 years, since the establishment of Christianity, and believe that slavery was moral? There are a number of other ';reversals'; and changes in moral code by Christianity.
Morality refers to universal law which, in turn, requires a lawgiver whom everyone ought to respect. That can only be God.

By definition, one cannot be moral without a belief in a higher moral authority than oneself. To make our own rules and judge ourselves by whatever rules we choose is a child's game.
absolutely fact, contradictory to the majority of other Christians....I believe ';religion'; actually causes a decrease in morality.

EDIT: for everyone who thumbs down me...I have seen way to many people hide behind their religion and use it as a disguise to hide their pedophilia, wife battery, etc etc etc..........
Yes, you can be moral without religiousity, but moral acts are ';religious'; when life is sacred, human dignity is upheld.

Jesus was astonished at the faith of a Roman centurian, who recognized His authority, and was deeply concerned for his servant, whom Jesus healed from a distance. Was this despised pagan Roman officer religious???

Was this servant, who never even saw Jesus, religious???

Samaritans were considered vile heretics, yet Jesus speaks in a parable about the Good Samaritan. What kind of ';religious'; is that???

Why do ordinary people, of no religion, risk their lives to save the lives of others in any given disaster? Is there something innate in human beings that true religion appeals to?

True or false?
The problem is that we have to define ';moral'; first.

Each person has their own sense of right and wrong. Often, the morals of one person may be in direct conflict to another. Even sickos like the late Jeffrey Dahmer had a moral code.

So, everyone can be moral with our without religion. It's just a case of what I feel is right and wrong may conflict with your version.
morality is not only a christian concept and any one who thinks it is should be forced to spend a week with our national leaders. Sorry, that's cruel and unjust punishment. Make it 2 days of listening nonstop to campaign speeches. No, morality is a concept of civilization, not religion. People from all over have their morality laws and all people are not christian. Morality is common sense.
False. Living a moral life requires no religion at all. Nor does a relationship with Christ. ';Religion'; and ';relationship'; are 2 different things.

God bless!

Many religious people are more immoral.

I guess what makes it more apparent is that they do not live up to the religious standards they claim to espouse.
False. You cannot be moral ie righteous without walking in Christ or in the Spirit. A religious man can be immoral but not a righteous man. God bless you.
Not a Christian, and this isn't an answer, but I starred your question because I will be very interested in the reponses.
I'd say,you cannot be religious without being full of moral.
bullshiv i'm one of the most moral person my friends no and i'm anti-religious
False,You can not have eternal life with God.
in a Machiavellian sort of way, yes
Some of the best people Ive ever met in my life are not religious.
false. but ';aye';,good works won't get you into heaven.

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