“Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”-- by Nobel Laureate physicist Steven Weinberg.Religion is an insult to human dignity. True or False ? Read the rest of the question!?
Great quote, I think I'm going to steal it. It's most definitely true.Religion is an insult to human dignity. True or False ? Read the rest of the question!?
Simply its false because God loves us even if we do evil things such as worshiping Satan. God gave his only son and he died for us. With this do you think this an insult? This is an absolutely not an insult.
Religion is a tool people use to acheive spiritual goals. It isn't bad or an insult to human dignity. However, it can be abused. The statement is right, there will always be people whose concern for others carries them to work for the good of others and those whose concern is only on themselves that they do not care whom they hurt to achieve whatever selfish motivation they desire and in both cases religion is not usually the motivation itself, it's the excuse.
';Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right.'; Ani DiFranco, folksinger
I'm gay and have met many Christians who were adamently opposed to homosexuality, but knew no homosexuals. They said they were against it because of their religion. Yet confronted with an actual human being who lives like they do, has the emotions they do, works at a job like they do, etc...when they see the human side they have had compassion. They may not like ';homosexuality'; and may still believe religiously that it is wrong, but many of my Christian friends have told me ';I can no longer protest against you and try to deny you freedoms that you should have as a citizen now that I know you. Perhaps homosexuality is just wrong for people like me who've never thought about being homosexual anyways.'; As a Hindu I have had the same experience with people who tried to convert me to their religion. Once they got to know me, got to learn what I believed (instead of all the misinformation that they received from others) they would tell me ';You're religion is so beautiful, your beliefs are so sincere and true. In you I can see that you worship the same God I do. In you I sometimes see more of God than I have in others who claim to be of the same religion as I am. Now that I know you, how could I ever want to change you or your beliefs?'; Sometimes I think that it is always easy for people to do ';evil'; to others when we take away the humanity of the very people we are attacking. But once the realization of a person's reality sets in, every person wants to honor their human dignity. That is why human rights equals human dignity. That is why it is important that people understand the humanity of the people they hurt in the name of ';good';. If they knew the pain they caused, the suffering and torment that was from their own hand, the vast majority of human beings would always strive for ';good'; and think a little harder about their actions in remembrance of the humanity within us all.
i agree it make alot of sense, but you'll get religious people giving you quotes from the bible trying to say how false your comment is.
People can say it's false because they have a right to choose for themselves. We are here to know good from evil and become like our Heavenly Father. How would you know what was good or evil if you had nothing showing you what either was?
I say your question is false...
sounds good 2 me!
Those good people that do evil things under the blanket of religion are an insult to human integrity.
OK. I am not saying it is false or true, but.....
Consider this:
A society is capable of surviving for thousands of years unless it is attacked from within or without by hostile forces. where such an attack occurs, the primary targets are it's religious and national gods and heroes,it's potential of leadership and the self respect and integrity of it's members.
If you look around you , you will find countless examples of these points. They scream at us every day from the newspapers and TV.
Probably the most critical point of attack on a culture is it's religious experience. Where one can destroy or undermine religious institutions then the entire fabiric of the society can be quickly subverted or brought to ruin.
For the last hundred years or so religion has been beset with relentless attack. You have been told it’s the “opiate of the masses “, that it’s unscientific, that it is primitive, in short , that it is a delusion.
The source of this kind of attack is always covert and hidden. It is promoted by a few who have a vested interest in a slave society.
Unfortunately these few rely on creating fear and insecurity in others
to forward and promote their enemy propaganda. These others feel correctly they have to defend themselves from an attack, but because the real enemy is hidden, they can be manipulated to attack what they really should be defending as they cannot see the real enemy.
The key here is that underneath all these attacks on organised religion there is one fundemental target:
The spirituality of man, your own basic spiritual nature, self respect and peace of mind.
I don't really agree. All people are good and bad, and all can be led by various things to do bad things or good things. I think that the quote is close to truth, but is in and of itself a dangerous way to think about and judge people.
True ';Religion'; should always show mans need for God. Any way you slice it, is there good if there is no bad? Would light be light without a counter part, darkness. Not too deep, but do you see the point?
Ok, here is my 2 cents....
Firstly, YES, many people who do not believe in any higher power are good people, that is a given... there is good and bad in everyone... EVERYONE, no matter your beliefs...
However... and this is just MY belief... I think that people who believe hold themselves accountable to someone... it affects their actions. People who do not believe in god have no one to be accountable to but themselves. I do think this comes into play.
When someone testifies in court, and they say they will tell the truth, so help them god, if they are an atheist, their swearing to air that that will tell the truth.. yet someone who believes will be more apt to fear the wrath of god.
Again... There is good and bad in everyone and NO ONE is pure good...
Religion is the opiate of the masses
False , All humans need some kind of Faith to set their morals and beliefs. Without it you are in chaos
First off... It seems a bit lame to me to ask a question and then say there is no answer but the one you've already supplied us. Glad to see your lack of spirituality hasn't thwarted your democratic spirit.
';Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.'; (attributed to Alfred Einstein... another physicist)
There is no true or false here... just the rantings of a man (Steven Weinberg) who achieved a prize in physicis... which gives him no more expertise/inner wisdom in commenting on something personal to each human being (spirituality) than any of the rest of us has.
I give Mr Weinberg the right to his opinion... and nothing more.
well i say its false you do what you want no matter what and most religious people do good things maybe if more evil people found the Lord they would do good as well
the only reason i would attempt at saying it false is that good doing evil is just a wolf in sheeps clothing and therefor evil anyway, but really i agree with you. i am wiccan and yes a religion but i like the simple plan of harm none.
religion is what.. it's a group of followers of a particular belief... so it definitely means that the people who follow are not enlightened ... %26amp; hence they follow... it's a herd.. who need a guide...they clash...becoz they r just commoners who know to follow... if u observe the base of every religion, it's just the same in the best of interest of the mankind... wht we follow is the empty version of the so called interpreters ...that too with a blind faith...like for god everyone is at par... becoz tht's the goodness within u... god is harmony...not 'harm'
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