Monday, February 8, 2010

Why do people say the bible is fiction or False? This is not a question of if you believe or not

Do folks that say that understand that the bible is and has been used to locate ancient places.?

It is the most accurate book of what happened of where and when, That's how they dig up Ancient cities.

How do you think we find all these ancient places?

Everyone made fun of the German guy who found Troy after studying the Iliad. But when he dug it up, he shut up all the haters.

Now the spiritual lessons and a few other things are open to translation, but the empirical evidence is proven all the time.

Names of kings places and events are recorded in other histories match what the bible record.

Why do people say the bible is fiction or False? This is not a question of if you believe or not
As a historical record the bible is patchy but the later books do have some historical value.

As with any historical source you have to consider bias and the bible was definitely written/edited to support a certain point of view.Why do people say the bible is fiction or False? This is not a question of if you believe or not
It is mostly fiction. However, much of it is historical fiction. If after thousands of years, most of the US cities disappeared, but a copy of the movie Fargo survived. That movie could be used to find the ancient site of Fargo. That would not make the movie any more real.

Legends are often told about real places, and the stories may even reference real wars or conflicts. That doesn't make them any more true.
Where's the proof of the plagues? Don't you think the Egyptian historians would have kept a record of something that important? Or how about the flooding of the Earth? How can this possibly have happened, when there isn't enough water on the planet to cause such a flood? What about the fact that a boat as large as the Ark would have collapsed, which is proven by nautical engineers? Do I have to keep going or will this be satisfactory?
It was writtne by people living in the time and so I think they would hae had a pretty good idea where there cities were. The thing that is desputed is the idea of God and Jesus, not that the places didn't exist. Its like a normal fiction book, whee the places are real but the characters and what they do is not.

Don't mean to diss your bible but just an example
Their were no 'haters' of Troy. Just people who thought it unlikely.

Did you know that Jesus is not the first guy to be born of virgin birth? To die and be resurrected? And perform miracles?

Look up Mithra. Horus. Etc. Explain to me how Jesus is different.
I believe,but not what most takes a lot of spiritual knowledge to understand what Jesus really meant by the things he sead.the bible is almost always misinterpreted.
it was made by men in the past and patterned it w/ their life.

Say da vinci code is not fictional because it has some accuracies (the insanity of Christianity). eh even the dan barker said it was
Even the place of landing of Noah's ark? The bible says it was on mount Ararat but the Qur'an says it is on mount Judi. Now here is the deal:…
occasionally they match up, more often they dont. And far more useful information comes from other texts from the area.

And sorry, there has been zero proof of talking donleys or zombie gods.
I'm sorry hun but your very wrong. Whilst their are a fair few historical points in their it can't be held as a historical record as it is so full of fantasy.
It is a fantastic historical document that also happens to tell a story.
Scoffers say that stuff about the Bible because they love to sin.They do not want God telling them what to do.

2 Peter 3:3
Yes to both!
Exactly what historical site has been revealed by the bible? I'm not aware of a single one....
In ancient times, in most cultures of the world, important political matters, and gossip about important or interesting people, great battles, and the goings on in royal houses, where largely relayed by word of mouth, and traveled along the great trade routs, as you know, many stories get exaggerated and altered in the telling, many of these things would also have been written about by the scholars of the time, again, sometimes altered because of the scholars personal prejudices or political ambitions and loyalties, and because history is nearly always only written by the victors. The bible is no exception to these things, many things in the bible, people, places and events were written many years after the fact, the stories being useful to illustrate some moral point or being fantastic enough to be attributed to interferance from god, many of these stories doubtless have their roots in truth, but it's impossible to say how much until you find corroberating evedence, which may well happen in time to come, however, that some of what is in the bible corrolates to true peices of history, does not in any way validate the religious slant with which it is written, and that these places and many of the charactors were real, in no way validates the details. It is what you might call an historical novel:) The Illead is a good example, that Troy was real, does not mean that the details of the story were real, in fact, they are very unlikly, it is a romatnisised version of an historical happening.

Shakspear wrote about King Richard III, who was a real king, who lived at the time Shakespear said he did, but his real life and personality were completly different from what Shakspear wrote, it's artistic licence, he wasn't writing an historical biography, he was writing a play desighned to entertain people:)
The bible is known to be one of the oldest books, it is also a book that has stood the test of time. While many people THEORIZE that the Bible is false, no one, not even science has yet to prove it wrong. The bible has sooo many authors, more than any history book has ever had. Early on the bible predicted that there would be a savior so that all sins would be paid for, and known behold...there was! Whether or not people decide to believe that Jesus was who he said he was, or not the bible did predict him.

I find it sad that many believe a history book, or most books for that matter. It is hard for Historians to find solid completely accurate information of the B.C. times, yet they still publish books of theories that have never been solidly proved. Why do we automatically believe those books?

The bible is the closest thing we have to events of such an old time period, so if you're questioning the bible I think you need to question our history books as well.

';The Bible is not a science book, yet it is scientifically accurate. We are not aware of any scientific evidence that contradicts the Bible. We have listed statements on this page that are consistent with known scientific facts. Many of them were listed in the Bible hundreds or even thousands of years before being recorded elsewhere.';-

One of the things I have personally found in the bible is that they never mentioned that the earth was flat. It was referred to as ';round';, but back in those times I guess no one was fond of believing Christians either. Another thing is that the bible never denies dinosaurs, which science has found proof of. Like many bad creatures dinosaurs were killed in the flood.

The bible has many prophecies, none of which have been disproved.

';Of these prophecies, the most striking examples are the predictions about an “anointed one” (“Messiah” in Hebrew) who was to arrive in the future. About 4 BC, a miraculous event occurred—a boy named Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary. You can read His story in the book of Luke. Starting at age 30, Jesus fulfilled more and more of these prophecies written about the Messiah. His fulfillment of these prophecies was very spectacular: Jesus gave sight to the blind, made the lame walk, cured those who had leprosy, gave the deaf hearing, and raised people from the dead! These miracles and others were done many times in front of thousands of witnesses for three years. About 30 AD, Jesus was crucified (a prophecy) and died (a prophecy). Three days later he rose from the dead (another prophecy), after which He was seen by over 500 witnesses. Since these prophecies were written down at least 400 years before they happened, there is no doubt that the Bible’s writers were inspired supernaturally—by God.';

If you want more information I highly recommend this site:

It answers how the bible is accurate, but as for why people question the bible:

Something so true and pure can scare someone

Satan personally fights against Christianity, so such thoughts are influenced by the world, the flesh, and the devil.

We were made to worship God, and have relationship with him

Jesus is the only way, he is waiting for your acceptance so that he can work through you're life in miraculous ways.

As to Christians:

Christianity is the only true religion, and everyone (even yourself at times) will question our faith. There is a personal vendetta out for Christianity because it is the only truth in a world of lies, satan will do anything he can to prevent you building a relationship with God. Such pulls and hates against Christianity alone push open the truth of Jesus, if it is such a wonderful and pure thing than why wouldn't the darkest being want to separate you from it?


planting a lie inside a truth is the best way to have it believed to be all truth

some of the contents, details will be correct, places, dates etc, because they were written about those places at the time

the story of jesus and god however, will be the fiction that people refer to

and all these ancient places you are referring to, are found by archaeologists, who study history and ancient history, not the bible, and who go in search of these places, with the history and knowledge they have

the empirical evidence is not proven all the time,it is regularly disproven, you need to watch the documentaries that are on regularly about bible evidence being proven false

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